Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A little girl while walking in a moving train
raised her hand towards an unknown lady
not that she was hopeful of getting the support
but was sure she would get it.


ஸ்வரூப் said...

there is a logic issue, though poem is beyond logics...

P. Venugopal said...

beautiful. somehow, this is the kind of poems i like. simple, three-dimensional. a moment coming alive. i can see the innocent confidence of the child through your words.

Imagination said...

Thank you so much Venuji.
I was so amused to see that feeling of trust in that girl's eyes. You are right, those were just moments and I wondered had it been me or any other person we would have thought of ten times before relying on some unknown person. We often create such distances ourselves.

P. Venugopal said...

keep up the good work. i think now you are beginning to see. my own concept about poetry is that it is in the real, not the imagined. poem is the real revealed, a revelation given the word. when you imagine and sentimentalise, it is dead illusion. how can there be poetry in the dead?

Sumi Mathai said...

its reflexive no ? i have often done that in train,in buses..nice to c it as a poem..

Aparna said...

Very simple lines, yet so expressive...

Urmi said...

Very beautifully you have expressed the inner feelings of the little girl.

The Sunflower Collective said...
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The Sunflower Collective said...

I like your power of observation....somebody did say fiction comes out of the reality we See...keep writing

workhard said...


Nice posts...

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கவின் said...

its me
my belief.