Wednesday, January 5, 2011

सपनों की उड़ान

बंद  दरवाज़ों  की ओड़   में  छुपी  मुस्कुराहटें , 
नए  चेहरों  और  नए  रंगों  में  लिपटी  खुशियाँ , 
झुकी  पलकों  और  बंद  आँखों  में  दबी  चमक,
दबी  जुबां  और  बंद  होठों  में  सिमटी  हंसी,  
कुछ  अनकहे  , अनबुने  सपनों   की उड़ान


Anonymous said...

Wow Kalpana , this was short yet very deep and touching ...each line had multiple layers of meaning hidden in them , just short of words to show my liking .. but trust me , its really good !!

Charu said...

awesome :)

P. Venugopal said...

i read the meaning of this poem from the picture. full of light and innocence and hope. beautiful children.

Kalpana Bindu said...

Thanks Venuji,

I was sitting inside the car and these kids, from a remote village in UP, were looking at me. The poem is about their smile, the brightness in their eyes..and their unwoven & unspoken dreams.....

the title is 'Flight of the dreams', 'Sapnon ki Udaan'

sm said...

thoughtful lines
कुछ अनकहे अनबुने सपनों की उड़ान

Susheel Parashar said...

आपने अपने मन में चल रही विचारधाराओं को व्यक्त किया है