Saturday, June 20, 2009


My skepticism for the eternity of the word ‘eternal’,

May be it’s a mere perception, or for that matter a repercussion.

Eternal assurance, eternal promise, eternal invitation,

I have only discovered hollowness and futility to hear these

For I’ve witnessed the culmination, beginning leading to an end

Everything dwindling and disappearing in the air

Never ever to be uttered or to happen again

A feeling of eternity that was just momentary


Kalpana Bindu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sujata sengupta said...

Anything that is born does die, so nothing tangible can be eternal,,but emotions are eternal, so are dreams, and so is love, for these do not die with the person.

Kalpana Bindu said...

Very true Sujata. Dreams, emotions and love are truly truly eternal. Though I didn't say this but somehow my intention was directed in that direction only.

BTW how did you find the poem.

ஸ்வரூப் said...

Another slap...


Anonymous said...

i just deleted the comment
coz i promised u, i'll not do this.

and don't slap others

Balachandran V said...

The problem is not with the word, but with our understanding of the word. When I say, " I will love you eternally", it is quite possible that I do feel so at the moment I say it, but hell, nobody can stop me if i feel different the next moment. The point is, when I promised eternal love, did I mean it in all conviction, in all truthfulness, in all sincerity.
You see, Kalpana, in that moment, there is eternity. Do not confuse eternity with period in time....

Balachandran V said...

But then, we have to have our certainties, don't we, our reassurances, to keep our faith in life? Breaking out of such limitations is freedom; to realise that life is a garland made of such moments, such flowers with eternal fragrance...

There is a harsh, wild beauty about your lines... a kind of defiance, bitterness... as you write more, you will sense that you are gradually moving away... away to bright sunshine...

Imagination said...

Thanks Balaji for this lovely comment. Actually that is the truth, the feeling of eternity for that moment. I was in a way trying to hold it in a time bound manner. Believe me. when I wrote it I was in a different state of mind, but now when I am reading, I am myself deriving meanings similar to what you've described, the beyoondness of eternity .....
poetry is magical!

Mahesh Sindbandge said... much of eternal usage, very first time i have ssen in a wonderful peice of peom.

Another good piece..


Kalpana Bindu said...

Thank you so much for such encouraging comment. Do keep visiting and would like read more Hindi Shayari

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

I blogrolled you :-)

Please do the same :-P


கவின் said...

that was just momentary